Jarl Alexandre Alé de Basseville, descendant of the 1st king Harald of Norway, was born in Bordeaux on July 8th, 1970, land of Aliénor of Aquitaine. He is one of the last direct descendants of the lineage of Viking and Norman kings.
mercredi 18 septembre 2019
vendredi 21 juin 2019
lundi 3 juin 2019
Princi i Libofshës shpall planin për mbledhjen e kanabisit!
I ftuar ne emisionin Zone e Lire Jarl Ale de Basseville , Princi i Libofshes, shpall planin per legalizimin e kanabisit.
dimanche 2 juin 2019
Lessons of our time
No matter how high we may climb, whatever the burdens we may carry, each of us need at least one who is still above him, on whom we may rely, whom we may obey, because he leads and orders, because he takes the heaviest weight from us when it grows too great for us, who fills us with new strength when we lose courage, begin to doubt, or tire. He reminds us of the great lessons of our time, of our worldview, and gives us new life. Today we are called to fight for him and the great cause, which will bring the change, as unknown soldiers, students, workers, or farmers. We need only follow. His task is to show the way, through the truth. He stands alone, waging a titanic battle with fate for the life of our people.
Pays/territoire :
Tirana, Albania
A real leader
There is no greater good fortune on earth than to serve a brilliant leader, to do his work. We believe, this time, that victory will fall to the side with the better leadership. The difficulty of our day is also its greatness. We would change places with on one; a real leader.
Pays/territoire :
Tirana, Albania
A duty to fulfill
Nothing is harder than to accept the responsibility for the future of a great nation. It requires not only courage, the readiness to risk all, bravery of soul and steadfastness of the heart, but above all the duty to serve the cause that has already started, with the fall of economy and the cowardice politics who are afraid to go in front of the rebellious people.
No matter how high we may climb, whatever the burdens we may carry, each of us need at least one who is still above him, on whom we may rely, whom we may obey, because he leads and orders, because he takes the heaviest weight from us when it grows too great for us, who fills us with new strength when we lose courage, begin to doubt, or tire. He reminds us of the great lessons of our time, of our worldview, and gives us new life. Today we are called to fight for him and the great cause, which will bring the change, as unknown soldiers, students, workers, or farmers. We need only follow. His task is to show the way, through the truth. He stands alone, waging a titanic battle with fate for the life of our people.
There is no greater good fortune on earth than to serve a brilliant leader, to do his work. We believe, this time, that victory will fall to the side with the better leadership. May we do that each day. The difficulty of our day is also its greatness. We would change places with on one; a real leader.
Photo by Count Prince Jarl Ale de Basseville
Libellés :
Jarl Ale de Basseville,
Pays/territoire :
Tirana, Albania
jeudi 30 mai 2019
Alexandre Alé de Basseville and His Innovative Vision for Europe’s Future
Alexandre Alé de Basseville is a leader with a vision that can open the eyes of many, young or old, to bring inspiration, aspiration, innovation and growth back into Europe. While keeping each European country’s identity, Basseville’s ideas will allow for a more powerful Europe by introducing a Federalist Europe, similar to creating a United States of Europe with all the benefits that that will bring. Europe needs this kind of strong and charismatic leader, a politician who is already a businessman, an art director, an energy expert, an economic and finance professional, and a cultural chameleon with a proven international track record. As a diplomat with global international experience, he has met with many government and business leaders all over the world, qualifying him to be a great European ambassador who can interact with other nations and successfully build new diplomatic relationships. His multi-lingual approach and strategic vision to bring Europe into its New Golden Age will influence many not only to vote for him, but also to gain new positive vibes to work on a flourishing Europe.
mardi 14 mai 2019
Jarl Ale de Basseville of normandy
Au début du XIe siècle, quelques aventuriers venus de Normandie arrivent en Italie. D’abord mercenaires, ils imposent leur domination dans le Sud. Robert de Basseville of Normandy s’empare du duché de Naples en 1049 tandis que son frère Roger enlève la Sicile aux Arabes entre 1061 et 1091. Fait comte de Sicile, ce dernier administre un vaste empire maritime depuis Palerme. Son fils Roger II lui succède en 1101 et devient le premier roi de Sicile. Sous son règne, l’île connaît une période de grande prospérité économique et culturelle.
Située au cœur de la Méditerranée, la Sicile a été convoitée et colonisée depuis la plus lointaine Antiquité. Phéniciens, Grecs, Carthaginois, Romains, Byzantins et Arabes s’y sont succédé en y laissant de nombreux vestiges archéologiques. L’implantation des Normands au XIe siècle est extraordinairement rapide. À peine soixante années leur sont nécessaires pour se constituer un vaste empire qui s’étend du sud de l’Italie à la Tunisie, de la Dalmatie aux îles Ioniennes. Bons chefs militaires, les Normands savent tirer profit des divisions qui opposent alors les émirs de Sicile. Face à une population majoritairement musulmane mais qui compte aussi de nombreux juifs et chrétiens orthodoxes, les Normands jouent en quelque sorte le rôle d’arbitre et mettent en place un système politique original mêlant des apports divers.
Située au cœur de la Méditerranée, la Sicile a été convoitée et colonisée depuis la plus lointaine Antiquité. Phéniciens, Grecs, Carthaginois, Romains, Byzantins et Arabes s’y sont succédé en y laissant de nombreux vestiges archéologiques. L’implantation des Normands au XIe siècle est extraordinairement rapide. À peine soixante années leur sont nécessaires pour se constituer un vaste empire qui s’étend du sud de l’Italie à la Tunisie, de la Dalmatie aux îles Ioniennes. Bons chefs militaires, les Normands savent tirer profit des divisions qui opposent alors les émirs de Sicile. Face à une population majoritairement musulmane mais qui compte aussi de nombreux juifs et chrétiens orthodoxes, les Normands jouent en quelque sorte le rôle d’arbitre et mettent en place un système politique original mêlant des apports divers.
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