jeudi 12 décembre 2013

de Basseville

A topographical history of Surrey, by E.W. Brayley assisted by J. ...
- Google Books Result
Edward Wedlake Brayley, John Britton - 1841 - History
de Basseville ; one in Burpham, by Thurstan le Despenser ; one-third
of one in Wyke, ... for on the death of Gilbert, earl of Gloucester,
the lord paramount, in 1 296, ... the whole manor seems to have
belonged to Robert de Wykford or Wykeford; ...

Full text of "The life and martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket ...
Fitzstephen notes that Robert and Nigel de Sackville, the King's
sealbearers, who had ... Roger, the son of the Earl of Gloucester, a
near relation of the King, was .... nor yet the labours of Robert
Count of Basseville, and the other host of inter- ...

On all his offers proving ineffectual, he tried
next what the power of the King of Sicily could
do for him ; but neither the Bishop of Syracuse
with all his efforts, nor yet the labours of Robert
Count of Basseville, and the other host of inter-
cessors, nor the great power, weight, and influ-
ence which that King possessed with the Pope, in
consequence of the generous way in which he
had helped the Holy Father in his late troubles
at Rome, could effect his wishes. His envoys
were at last dismissed in disappointment, having
obtained nothing but a promise that the Pope
2 Ep. S. Tho. i. p. 121.

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