- Eystein Glumra “The Almighty” was Jarl of Hedermark.
→ King of Norway, Earl of Hedermark Is the companion of Hararld 1st (his son in law )
- Rögnvald 1er Eysteinsson or Robert 1er “The Almighty” Ragnvaldsson († 894) *** son of Eystein Glumra
- → Jarl of Moëre and Raumsdal, 1st earl of Ockney
- - Spouse 1. Ermina
- - Spouse 2. Rognhild (Hilde) Hrolfsdotter
- - Spouse 3. Hrollaug
- Hrolf Ragnvaldsson, also called Rollo or Robert of Normandy (870 † 932) *** Son of Robert 1st “The Almighty” and Hilde Hrolfsdotter
1st count of Normandy, he was the Viking chief from the mid 800 until
932 - Spouse 1. Poppa de Senlis or de Valois (daughter of Pépin II,
Carolingien earl of Vermandois, Senlis, Bayeuxand Péronne) - Spouse 2.
Gisèle de France. Daughter of the Emperor Charles III “The Simple”
- Guillaume 1st “Long Sword” (907 † 942) *** Son of Rollo and ?
- → Count of Rouen, Duke of Normandy
- - Concubine 1. Sprota de Bretagne
- - Spouse 1 (940) Liégearde de Vermandois. As a widdow, she marries Thibaud “The Cheater”, Count of Tours, Blois and Chartres
- Adèle (Gerloc) of Normandy (917 † 969) *** Daughter of Rollo and ?
- - Spouse (935) Guillaume III, Duke of Aquitaine, count of Poitou, Auvergne and Limoges
- Richard 1st “The FearLess” (934 † 996) *** Son of Guillaume 1er “Long Sword”
→ Count of Rouen, duke of Normandy. - Spouse 1 (957) Emma de Neustrie (daughter of Hugues "Le Grand" and Hedwige de Saxe) - Spouse 2 (962) Gonnor de Crepon (of Danemark), daughter of Herbast de Crepon - Had an affair with Papia
- Richard II “The Good” (958 † 1026) *** Son of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- → Count of Rouen, duke of Normandy.
- - Spouse 1 (982) Judith of Brittany (daughter of Conan 1er “Le Tort” earl of Rennes, duke of Brittany)
- - Spouse 2 (1017) Estrid de Danemark (daughter of Sveyn 1st “Forked Beard” King of Denmark, Norway and England)
- Robert of Normandy so called “of Evreux” († 1037) *** Son of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- → Count of Evreux, Archbishop of Rouen.
- - Spouse Herleue (alias Herleva) (968 - +1050)
- Havoise of Normandy (977 † 1034) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- - Spouse (996) Geoffroi 1st of Brittany (son of Conan "Le Tord" and Ermengarde of ANjou).
- Béatrice of Normandy (980 - +1037) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- Spouse (1000) Ebles 1 er de Comborn-Turenne (son of Archambaud II and Sulpicie de Turenne)
- Emma of Normandy (987 † 1053) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- - Spouse 1 (1002) Ethelred II of England. King of England.
- - Spouse 2 (1017) Knut II «The Tall» of Danemark.
- Fressende of Normandy (995 † 1057) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- - Spouse (1015) Tancrède de Hauteville.
- Mathilde of Normandy († 1005) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- -
Spouse (1003) Eudes II de Blois comte de Tours, Blois and Chartres (son
of Eudes 1er and Berthe of Burgundy). After she dies, he marries
Ermengarde of Auvergne.
- Mauger (Maliger) of Normandy († 1037) *** Son of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- → Count of Corbeil and Mortain.
- - Spouse (1012) Germaine de Corbeil (daughter of Aubert, 2nd earl of Corbeil)
- Geoffroi de Normandie († 1015) *** Son of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Papia
- → Count of Brionne and of Eu.
- - Spouse Héloïse of Guînes (daughter of Siegfried “The Dane”, 1st earl of Guînes)
- Richard III (997 † 1028) *** Son of Richard II “The Good” Judith of Brittany
→ Duke of Normandy. - Spouse Adèle of France (1009 - +1079).
- Robert II “The Devil” (999 † 1035) *** Son of Richard II “The Good” Judith of Brittany
→ Duke of Normandy. - Spouse (1025) Harleue (Herleue, Arlette) so called “of Cliff” (as a widow, she marries Herluin, viscount Conteville)
- Eléonore of Normandy (1002 † ?) *** Daughter of Richard II “The Good” Judith of Brittany
- Spouse (1031) Baudouin IV de Flandres count of Flandres.
- Adélaïde (alias Judith) of Normandy (1003 † 1040) *** Daughter of Richard II “The Good” Judith of Brittany
- Spouse (1015) Renaud 1st of Mâcon count of Burgundy
- Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” (1027 Falaise † 1087 Rouen) *** Son of Robert II “The Devil” and Harleue so called “of cliff”
- → Duke of Normandy, King of England (Westminster).
- - Spouse (1053) Mathilde de Flandres (daughter of Baudouin V, count of Flandres)
- Adélaïde of Normandie (1030 † 1084) *** Daughter of Robert II “The Devil” and Harleue so called “of cliff”
- - Spouse 1 (1048) Enguerrand II de Ponthieu (count of Ponthieu and Montreuil).
- - Spouse 2 (1053) Lambert de Boulogne (count of Lens).
- - Spouse 3 (1060) Eudes III de Troyes (count of Troyes-Champagne and of Aumale)
- Robert III “Short Heuse” (1054 † 1134 Cardiff) *** Son of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
→ Duke of Normandy. - Spouse Sybille de Conversano (daughter of Geoffroi of Conversano)
- Richard (New Forest) (1055 † 1081) *** Son of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
- Guillaume II “Rufus” or “Le Roux” (1056 † 1100 New Forest) *** Son of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
→ King of England (1087)
- Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” (1068 Yorkshire † 1135 Saint-Denis-Le-Fermont) *** Son of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
→ King of England (1100). - Spouse 1 (1100) Mathilde of Scotland (daughter of Malcolm III “Canmore”, King of Scotland) - Spouse 2 (1122) Adélise de Louvain (daughter of Geoffroi 1st “The Bearded”, duke of Brabant) - Concubine 1. Nest Verch Rhys - Concubine 2. Sybille Corbet - Concubine 3. Nesta Tewdwr (Tudor)
- Adèle (1062 † 1137 Marcigny-Sur-Loire) *** Daughter of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
- Spouse (1081)Etienne Henri of Blois Count of Blois and Chartres
- Gundred (1060 Normandy † 1085 Norfolk) *** Daughter of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
Spouse (1077)Guillaume 1er de Warenne.
- Constance (1063 † 1090) *** Daughter of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
- Spouse (1086) Alain IV “Fergeant” count of Brittany.
- Agathe, Cécile, Mathilde, Adélise, Richard *** Sons and daughters of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
→ were all Nuns or Monks.
- Guillaume III “Atheling” (1102 Winchester † 1120 Barfleur) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and Mathilde of Scotland
- → Duke of Normandy.
- -
Spouse (1119) Isabelle de Gâtinais alias Mahaut of Anjou (daughter of
Foulques V “The Young”, count of Anjou, king of Jérusalem)
- Mathilde (Maud) “The Empress” (1102 Winchester † 1167 Rouen) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and Mathilde of Scotland
- → Queen of England (04/11/1141).
- Spouse 1 (1114) Heinrich V (Emperor of Germany)
- Spouse 2 (1127) Geoffroi “Plantagenêt” (Count of Anjou)
- Robert de Caen (1090 Caen † 1147 Bristol) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 2) Nesta Tewdwr
- → bastard of Normandy. 1st earl of Gloucester
- - Spouse (1119) Mabel de Gloucester alias Maud FitzHamon (daughter of Robert FitzHamon)
- Sybille (1092 Domfront † 1122 Loch Tay, Scotland) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 2) Nesta Tewdwr
- → bastard of Normandy
- - Spouse (1107) Alexander 1st, king of Scotland.
- Rainald (Reginald) de Dunstanville alias FitzRoy of Mortain (1105 † 1175)*** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and concubine 2 Nesta Tewdwr
- → bastard of Normandy. Earl of Cornwall
- - Spouse (1140) Béatrice FitzWilliam (daughter of William FitzRichard of Cornwall)
- - Affair with Béatrice de Vaux of Torre and Karswell
- William (1105 † 1187) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 2) Nesta Tewdwr
- → bastard of Normandy
- Rohaise FitzRoy († 1176) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 2) Nesta Tewdwr
- → bastard of Normandy
- Spouse (1135) Henri de La Pommeraye
- Robert FitzEdith († 1172) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Edith de Greystoke
- → bastard of Normandy
- - Spouse (1142) Mathilde d’Avranches
- Richar († 1100 Barfleur) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Ansfride
- → bastard of Normandy
- Julianne (1090 † ?) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Ansfride
- → bastard of Normandy
- - Spouse (1103) Eustache de Pacy, Lord of Breteuil
- Foulques *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Ansfride
- → bastard of Normandy
- Maud FitzEdith († 1120) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Edith
- → bastard of Normandy
- - Spouse (1103) Count Routrou du Perche
- Isabelle (1120 † ?) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair 6) Isabelle de Beaumont
- → bastard of Normandy
- Henry FitzHenry (1104 † 1157) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 1) Nest Verch Rhys
- → bastard of Normandy
- Maud *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and an unknown woman
- → bastard of Normandy
- - Spouse (1113) Conan III “The Fat” Duke of Brittany
- Alice (alias Alix, Aline) (1099 Selby † 1141) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and an unknown woman
- → bastard of Normandy
- - Spouse (1126) Mathieu 1er of Montmorency
- Constance (alias Maud) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and an unknown woman
- → bastard of Normandy
- - Spouse (1134) Roscelin de Beaumont, viscount of Maine
- William so called “of Tracy” († 1140) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and an unknown woman
- → bastard of Normandy
- - Spouse Tracy (daughter of Sir Turgis of Tracy)
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