jeudi 12 décembre 2013

Robert von Basseville, Graf von Conversano

Robert von Basseville, Graf von Conversano, heiratete Judith von Sizilien, Tochter des Grafen Roger I. (Hauteville)
Goffredo (Gottfried), Graf von Conversano;
Sibilla († 1103), heiratete 1100 Herzog Robert von der Normandie (Rolloniden)
Altrude, heiratete Richard vom Prinzipat († 1129) (Hauteville)
Hugo, Graf von Brienne und Lecce, 1289 Herr von Conversano, † 1296 (Haus Brienne)
Walter V., Graf von Brienne, Lecce und Conversano, † 1311, dessen Sohn
Walter VI., Graf von Brienne, Lecce und Conversano, † 1356, dessen Sohn
Isabella, Gräfin von Brienn, Lecce und Conversano, † 1360, dessen Schwester; ∞ Walter III. von Enghien (Haus Enghien)
Louis d'Enghien, Graf von Conversano und Brienne, Herr von Enghien (Belgien), deren Sohn
Marguerite d'Enghien, Gräfin von Conversano und Brienne, Dame d'Enghien, dessen Tochter, 1393 bezeugt; ∞
I Pierre des Baux
II Jacopo di Sanseverino
III Jean II. de Luxembourg, Graf von Brienne und Conversano, † 1397
Peter I. von Luxemburg (* 1390, † 1433) Graf von Brienne und Conversano von 1397-1433 sowie Graf von Saint-Pol, Sohn Johanns II.
Ludwig von Luxemburg († 1475) Graf von Saint-Pol, Brienne, Ligny und Conversano, Sohn von Peter I. und Marguerite des Baux
Giovanni Antonio Orsini del Balzo († 1463), Fürst von Tarent und Graf von Conversano
Caterina, dessen uneheliche Tochter, Gräfin von Conversano, heiratete 1456 Giuliantonio Acquaviva d'Aragona, 7. Herzog von Atri.
Giangirolamo II. Acquaviva d'Aragona († 1665), 8. Graf von Conversano.

Eystein Glumra “The Almighty” was Jarl of Hedermark.
→ King of Norway, Earl of Hedermark Is the companion of Hararld 1st (his son in law )

Rögnvald 1er Eysteinsson or Robert 1er “The Almighty” Ragnvaldsson († 894) *** son of Eystein Glumra
→ Jarl of Moëre and Raumsdal, 1st earl of Ockney
- Spouse 1. Ermina
- Spouse 2. Rognhild (Hilde) Hrolfsdotter
- Spouse 3. Hrollaug
Hrolf Ragnvaldsson, also called Rollo or Robert of Normandy (870 † 932) *** Son of Robert 1st “The Almighty” and Hilde Hrolfsdotter
→ 1st count of Normandy, he was the Viking chief from the mid 800 until 932 - Spouse 1. Poppa de Senlis or de Valois (daughter of Pépin II, Carolingien earl of Vermandois, Senlis, Bayeuxand Péronne) - Spouse 2. Gisèle de France. Daughter of the Emperor Charles III “The Simple”

Guillaume 1st “Long Sword” (907 † 942) *** Son of Rollo and ?
→ Count of Rouen, Duke of Normandy
- Concubine 1. Sprota de Bretagne
- Spouse 1 (940) Liégearde de Vermandois. As a widdow, she marries Thibaud “The Cheater”, Count of Tours, Blois and Chartres
Adèle (Gerloc) of Normandy (917 † 969) *** Daughter of Rollo and ?
- Spouse (935) Guillaume III, Duke of Aquitaine, count of Poitou, Auvergne and Limoges
Richard 1st “The FearLess” (934 † 996) *** Son of Guillaume 1er “Long Sword”
→ Count of Rouen, duke of Normandy. - Spouse 1 (957) Emma de Neustrie (daughter of Hugues "Le Grand" and Hedwige de Saxe) - Spouse 2 (962) Gonnor de Crepon (of Danemark), daughter of Herbast de Crepon - Had an affair with Papia

Richard II “The Good” (958 † 1026) *** Son of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
→ Count of Rouen, duke of Normandy.
- Spouse 1 (982) Judith of Brittany (daughter of Conan 1er “Le Tort” earl of Rennes, duke of Brittany)
- Spouse 2 (1017) Estrid de Danemark (daughter of Sveyn 1st “Forked Beard” King of Denmark, Norway and England)
Robert of Normandy so called “of Evreux” († 1037) *** Son of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
→ Count of Evreux, Archbishop of Rouen.
- Spouse Herleue (alias Herleva) (968 - +1050)
Havoise of Normandy (977 † 1034) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- Spouse (996) Geoffroi 1st of Brittany (son of Conan "Le Tord" and Ermengarde of ANjou).
Béatrice of Normandy (980 - +1037) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
Spouse (1000) Ebles 1 er de Comborn-Turenne (son of Archambaud II and Sulpicie de Turenne)
Emma of Normandy (987 † 1053) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- Spouse 1 (1002) Ethelred II of England. King of England.
- Spouse 2 (1017) Knut II «The Tall» of Danemark.
Fressende of Normandy (995 † 1057) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- Spouse (1015) Tancrède de Hauteville.
Mathilde of Normandy († 1005) *** Daughter of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
- Spouse (1003) Eudes II de Blois comte de Tours, Blois and Chartres (son of Eudes 1er and Berthe of Burgundy). After she dies, he marries Ermengarde of Auvergne.
Mauger (Maliger) of Normandy († 1037) *** Son of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Gonnor de Crepon
→ Count of Corbeil and Mortain.
- Spouse (1012) Germaine de Corbeil (daughter of Aubert, 2nd earl of Corbeil)
Geoffroi de Normandie († 1015) *** Son of Richard 1st “The Fearless” and Papia
→ Count of Brionne and of Eu.
- Spouse Héloïse of Guînes (daughter of Siegfried “The Dane”, 1st earl of Guînes)
Richard III (997 † 1028) *** Son of Richard II “The Good” Judith of Brittany
→ Duke of Normandy. - Spouse Adèle of France (1009 - +1079).

Robert II “The Devil” (999 † 1035) *** Son of Richard II “The Good” Judith of Brittany
→ Duke of Normandy. - Spouse (1025) Harleue (Herleue, Arlette) so called “of Cliff” (as a widow, she marries Herluin, viscount Conteville)

Eléonore of Normandy (1002 † ?) *** Daughter of Richard II “The Good” Judith of Brittany
- Spouse (1031) Baudouin IV de Flandres count of Flandres.

Adélaïde (alias Judith) of Normandy (1003 † 1040) *** Daughter of Richard II “The Good” Judith of Brittany
- Spouse (1015) Renaud 1st of Mâcon count of Burgundy

Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” (1027 Falaise † 1087 Rouen) *** Son of Robert II “The Devil” and Harleue so called “of cliff”
→ Duke of Normandy, King of England (Westminster).
- Spouse (1053) Mathilde de Flandres (daughter of Baudouin V, count of Flandres)
Adélaïde of Normandie (1030 † 1084) *** Daughter of Robert II “The Devil” and Harleue so called “of cliff”
- Spouse 1 (1048) Enguerrand II de Ponthieu (count of Ponthieu and Montreuil).
- Spouse 2 (1053) Lambert de Boulogne (count of Lens).
- Spouse 3 (1060) Eudes III de Troyes (count of Troyes-Champagne and of Aumale)
Robert III “Short Heuse” (1054 † 1134 Cardiff) *** Son of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
→ Duke of Normandy. - Spouse Sybille de Conversano (daughter of Geoffroi of Conversano)

Richard (New Forest) (1055 † 1081) *** Son of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
Guillaume II “Rufus” or “Le Roux” (1056 † 1100 New Forest) *** Son of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
→ King of England (1087)

Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” (1068 Yorkshire † 1135 Saint-Denis-Le-Fermont) *** Son of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
→ King of England (1100). - Spouse 1 (1100) Mathilde of Scotland (daughter of Malcolm III “Canmore”, King of Scotland) - Spouse 2 (1122) Adélise de Louvain (daughter of Geoffroi 1st “The Bearded”, duke of Brabant) - Concubine 1. Nest Verch Rhys - Concubine 2. Sybille Corbet - Concubine 3. Nesta Tewdwr (Tudor)

Adèle (1062 † 1137 Marcigny-Sur-Loire) *** Daughter of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
- Spouse (1081)Etienne Henri of Blois Count of Blois and Chartres

Gundred (1060 Normandy † 1085 Norfolk) *** Daughter of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
Spouse (1077)Guillaume 1er de Warenne.

Constance (1063 † 1090) *** Daughter of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
- Spouse (1086) Alain IV “Fergeant” count of Brittany.

Agathe, Cécile, Mathilde, Adélise, Richard *** Sons and daughters of Guillaume 1st “The Conqueror” and Mathilde de Flandres
→ were all Nuns or Monks.

Guillaume III “Atheling” (1102 Winchester † 1120 Barfleur) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and Mathilde of Scotland
→ Duke of Normandy.
- Spouse (1119) Isabelle de Gâtinais alias Mahaut of Anjou (daughter of Foulques V “The Young”, count of Anjou, king of Jérusalem)
Mathilde (Maud) “The Empress” (1102 Winchester † 1167 Rouen) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and Mathilde of Scotland
→ Queen of England (04/11/1141).
Spouse 1 (1114) Heinrich V (Emperor of Germany)
Spouse 2 (1127) Geoffroi “Plantagenêt” (Count of Anjou)
Robert de Caen (1090 Caen † 1147 Bristol) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 2) Nesta Tewdwr
→ bastard of Normandy. 1st earl of Gloucester
- Spouse (1119) Mabel de Gloucester alias Maud FitzHamon (daughter of Robert FitzHamon)
Sybille (1092 Domfront † 1122 Loch Tay, Scotland) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 2) Nesta Tewdwr
→ bastard of Normandy
- Spouse (1107) Alexander 1st, king of Scotland.
Rainald (Reginald) de Dunstanville alias FitzRoy of Mortain (1105 † 1175)*** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and concubine 2 Nesta Tewdwr
→ bastard of Normandy. Earl of Cornwall
- Spouse (1140) Béatrice FitzWilliam (daughter of William FitzRichard of Cornwall)
- Affair with Béatrice de Vaux of Torre and Karswell
William (1105 † 1187) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 2) Nesta Tewdwr
→ bastard of Normandy
Rohaise FitzRoy († 1176) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 2) Nesta Tewdwr
→ bastard of Normandy
Spouse (1135) Henri de La Pommeraye
Robert FitzEdith († 1172) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Edith de Greystoke
→ bastard of Normandy
- Spouse (1142) Mathilde d’Avranches
Richar († 1100 Barfleur) *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Ansfride
→ bastard of Normandy
Julianne (1090 † ?) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Ansfride
→ bastard of Normandy
- Spouse (1103) Eustache de Pacy, Lord of Breteuil
Foulques *** Son of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Ansfride
→ bastard of Normandy
Maud FitzEdith († 1120) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair) Edith
→ bastard of Normandy
- Spouse (1103) Count Routrou du Perche
Isabelle (1120 † ?) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (affair 6) Isabelle de Beaumont
→ bastard of Normandy
Henry FitzHenry (1104 † 1157) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and (concubine 1) Nest Verch Rhys
→ bastard of Normandy
Maud *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and an unknown woman
→ bastard of Normandy
- Spouse (1113) Conan III “The Fat” Duke of Brittany
Alice (alias Alix, Aline) (1099 Selby † 1141) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and an unknown woman
→ bastard of Normandy
- Spouse (1126) Mathieu 1er of Montmorency
Constance (alias Maud) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and an unknown woman
→ bastard of Normandy
- Spouse (1134) Roscelin de Beaumont, viscount of Maine
William so called “of Tracy” († 1140) *** Daughter of Henri 1st “Beau Clerc” and an unknown woman
→ bastard of Normandy
- Spouse Tracy (daughter of Sir Turgis of Tracy)

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